
Who Are We

Farmers Aid(SA), is a registered ( 2015/349503/08 ), nonprofit organization whose mission is to help struggling farmers and poverty in South Africa. Farmers Aid(SA) accomplishes this mission by:

A). Promoting Food From Family Farms.

B). The Farmers Aid SA – Drought Relief Program.

C). A Farmers Aid SA – Poverty Fund.

D). Community Foodbank

Farmers AID SA Projects

For the Elderly

Children in Need

Community Food & Clothing

Farmers Support

Make a difference Today

Thank you to all Donors and Sponsors

The Kliprand feed drive 2019

Thank You to the Team and everyone who helped who could not be in the Photo

Please help us to help the ones in need

Food and Clothing distributed 2018-2019

Contact Corrie Slabbert for affordable website designs- WhatsApp 0844739648 email corrie@uni-lab.co.za & help our needy because Corrie pays a kickback to Farmers AID SA for each website she design which was referred by this page

Netradiosa Radio Speler


Appreciation for Food parcels Williston Farm workers

Assistance on its way to Willison 2019

Here is a Ariel view of our drought drive to Williston 2019

Farmers Aid SA - Team hard at work

Tears of joy rolled when farmer received a truck load of feed to last him a year.

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